Nos, a jövő hét csütörtök délutántól egészen hétfő délutánig (vagyis április 16. és 20. között) minden olyan BÉTÁBAN tesztelő játékos kipróbálhatja az ESO-t, aki eddig még nem vette meg a játékot, de kíváncsi arra, hogy mi változott az elmúlt egy évben. Nézzétek a postafiókokat, a további teendők oda érkeznek majd!
Frissítve: Lapozás után a két levél, amelyet remélhetőleg megkapott már minden egykori tesztelő.
Ha minden igaz, akkor a következő levelet már megkapta mindenki, aki egykoron bétázott. Feltéve, hogy a béta regisztrálásakor használt email fiókja még megvan és/vagy rá is néz az ember.
Greetings XXXXXXXX,
You are invited to participate in our Welcome Back Weekend for The Elder Scrolls® Online: Tamriel Unlimited™. The weekend will run from April 16th at 15:00 BST ending on April 20th at 15:00 BST, allowing you to once again adventure through Tamriel. We’re excited to share this experience with you, and we look forward to your feedback after you have played. There have been many advances to the game since launch, improved leveling, intro areas, combat, quests, crafting, crime systems, and much more! Don’t miss this opportunity to check out everything new.
Players on both North American and European game servers will have access to this event. We’ll send instructions for downloading the game and how to reset your account in the coming weeks to ensure you are ready for our Welcome Back Weekend.
Start: Thursday, Apr. 16th at 15:00 BST
End: Monday, Apr. 20th at 15:00 BST
Downloading the Game on PC/Mac
- Go to and login using your account details. If you cannot remember your username/password, please go to the section below marked “Reset my Account.”
- Navigate to the My Account section and click “Download Game”
- A download will begin for Install_Eso.exe, once complete double click. This will then launch the game client for The Elder Scrolls® Online: Tamriel Unlimited™.
- Follow the onscreen prompts for installation of the game.
The client is approximately 80GB, so please begin your download as early as possible. You will need to download the entire game before attempting to play.
Reset my Account
- If you are having problems remembering your account login details please follow this link:
Our US The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited team provides English support from 9:00 to 6:00 BST, 7 days a week, and our European team provides German and French support from 8:00 to 23:00 BST, 7 days a week. If you are having problems you can go to and they will be happy to help.
Thank you for participating in the Welcome Back Weekend!
- The Elder Scrolls Online Team
Sőt, ezek után kap(ott) mindenki egy másik levelet is "Elder Scrolls Online - Code Redemption" tárggyal, amely jelzi, hogy jóváírtak az accounton egy a hosszú hétvégére vonatkozó "keyt".
You've successfully redeemed a code for The Elder Scrolls® Online: Tamriel Unlimited™. We're applying it to your account now! Your receipt and further details can be found below.
Welcome Back Weekend Account Activation Code : KEYKEYKEYKEYKEYKEYKEY
We have applied a redemption code toward your account for The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited. Your account has been reactivated for the duration of our Welcome Back Weekend promotion. You’ll have access to play ESOTU from 15:00 GMT (10:00 EST) on April 16th until 15:00 GMT (10:00am EST) on April 20th*.
For more details about the Welcome Back Weekend, please visit our support page:
If you don’t know your account password, request a reminder here: you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us for assistance and we’ll be happy to help.
*Eligible accounts require no membership or purchase to participate. This email is a notification that your account has been reactivated.
Fontos még megjegyezni, hogy ha resetelni akarjátok az accountot (mert már nem emlékeztek a jelszóra), vagy a belépéshez megerősítést küldenek emailben, akkor ezek az emailek picit lassan fognak megérkezni a rendszer terheltsége miatt.
Due to high demands on the account system, access codes for verifying accounts are taking longer than usual to arrive. In some cases, this can result in access codes being delayed for over an hour.
For this reason, we have adjusted the length of time for which the access codes are valid to ensure that the codes do not expire by the time they arrive.
Players who receive an expired code should request a new one using the same initial process.
Please note, players can also download the game ahead of time using the following direct links:
Ezek után nem maradt más, mint belépni az accountra, és elkezdeni a letöltést. Bár 80 gigát kér a levél, és elképzelhető, hogy az installálás során kell is majd annyi hely neki, de a kliens végső mérete 45 giga környékén lesz majd.